The Atrocity
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:12 p.m.
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Infinity Land
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20 KB
I don't wan-na die Don't ex-pext me to die I've got my en-em-ies with-in my sight We're look-ing through a stain glass ge-ne-cide I don't wan-na die Don't ex-pext me to die What's joy with-out the tears fill-ing our eyes Me-mor-ies of a per-fect time. We dream of no-thing, or so we say. We dream of dis-cov-er-ing a per-fect trail, to the an-swers that will seal our pale fa-ces. That can't ha-ppen now; it's fli-cker-ing out. Will we meet a-gain? I hope some-how. E-ven if we pass you on your way out_. I don't wan-na die Don't ex-pext me to die. We can live for-ev-er. I don't wan-na die Don't ex-pext me to die. We can live for-ev-er.